What it Does
Through the action of photo-stimulation of light reactive biological receptors (chromophores) in the body, llt has demonstrated the ability to significantly accelerate and enhance the body's natural defense and repair components in the presence of injury, inflammation and certain disease processes. By modifying the effects and limiting the duration of inflammation as well as enhancing specific repair and healing processes, lllt is consistent in providing pain relief, reducing injury damage and loss of function, in addition to facilitating more rapid repair and stronger healed tissue structures. Multiple clinical studies have noted the following results of lllt:

  • Increased collagen production
  • Enhanced nerve regeneration
  • Increased vasodilation
  • Reduced inflammatory duration
  • Increased cell metabolism
  • Increased pain threshold
  • Increased cell membrane potential
  • Reduced edema magnitude
  • Increased microcirculation
  • Increased tissue and bone repair
  • Increased lymphatic response
  • Increased enzyme response

Will my insurance pay for it?
Insurance reimbursement is possible when using the laser for:
-Relief of shoulder and neck pain
-Relief of carpel tunnel pain and inflammation
-Relief of muscle and joint pain or muscle spasm
-Relief of arthritis pain
-Relaxation of muscle tissue

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